Academic Program Review

The Academic Program Review (APR) process at New Mexico State University is a nine-month, Canvas-based process designed to systematically evaluate academic programs. It is designed for departments to continuously: 

  1. Align programs with NMSU's mission and goals: This includes seeking feedback, guidance, and support to continually improve program quality, effectiveness, and relevance based on student outcomes and stakeholder input. 
  2. Ensure compliance and transparency: Maintain accurate public and student information about programs adhering to state and federal regulations. This includes all information posted in the academic catalog, websites, syllabi, and any other guiding document. 
  3. Assess student success: Analyze enrollment, retention, graduation rates, and other metrics to identify areas for improvement and inform program enhancements. 


Fall 2024

Module 0: August 2024

Introduction & Getting Ready! Identify, assign, and report Assessment Liaison and General Education Liaison if not already in place. Gather and provide information regarding any specialized accreditation tasks for all programs.

Tasks. Report Canvas Participants; Specialized Accreditation Documentation Form

Plan to communicate with liaisons to ensure they are aware of their appointment.

Module 1: September 2024

PLO Quality, Alignment, and Assessment Planning. Review the quality of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), develop a comprehensive 3-year assessment plan, and align PLOs to our mission.

Tasks. Mission Alignment Chart & Survey; Assessment Plan Chart; PLO Quality Checklist & Survey. Attend Workshops.

Plan for 1-2 faculty meetings to include review and discussion of departmental mission, program assessment plan, and Program learning Outcomes (PLOs); be sure meeting minutes are recorded. 

Module 2: October 2024

Program Assessment, Evaluation, and GE Review. Report on program assessment and evaluation tasks (for previous academic year). Engage faculty in evaluation, action planning, decision-making. Review and resolve GE and VWW discrepancies among public information to ensure compliance. 

Tasks. Report on Data Collection; Findings & Analysis; Evaluation and Action Plan(s); Attend Workshops; Review and resolve GE and VWW Course Catalog and NMHED agreement.

Plan for at least one faculty meeting for assessment results discussion (evaluation). Be sure meeting minutes are recorded. 

Module 3: November 2024

Compliance and Transparency. Review and resolve discrepancies among public information to ensure compliance. Update Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) to be compliant with State regulations. Update course syllabi to align with CLOs. 

Tasks. Check CLOs against State Requirements; Update CLOs in CourseLeaf system; Update Clos in course syllabi; Update websites for accuracy, consistency, and transparency.

Plan for communicating with faculty on the importance to meet state regulated CLOs and revise their CLOs to use best practices. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why have a well-documented cyclical APR process?

New Mexico State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of the nation's seven accreditors of higher education. HLC requires institutions to conduct regular program reviews.

Why does APR process cover items outside the traditional program review process, such as state and federal compliance?

HLC accreditation is one of three essential components of program integrity, alongside state and federal regulations. While these areas operate independently, compliance with all three is crucial for maintaining HLC accreditation. NMSU's mission is fundamental to achieving and sustaining this accreditation, ensuring academic quality. To align with these requirements, the APR incorporates elements related to state and federal compliance in addition to HLC standards.

Why Do academic departments review student-related metrics as part of the APR?

Analyzing student enrollment, retention, and graduation rates is essential for enhancing academic programs. These metrics offer crucial insights into program health and effectiveness. Combined with assessment data, they enable programs and stakeholders to identify trends, make informed decisions, and focus improvement efforts strategically. By pinpointing student challenges and successes, programs can implement targeted interventions to elevate the overall educational experience and boost student outcomes. This data-driven approach aligns with the continuous improvement imperative of HLC accreditation.

Who is involved in this APR process?

Department Heads are our main point of contact, but they are encouraged to include a Program Assessment and general Education liaison to provide them support throughout the process. During the process, we include tasks that support faculty involvement and encourage Department Head to meet with their faculty and discuss different areas relevant to program alignment with out NMSU's mission and compliance with federal and state regulations. 

What else do I need to know about this process?

Unlike typical APR processes, this approach offers departments ongoing feedback, guidance, and support. Our accreditation and assessment team, along with dedicated support committees and campus resources, provide continuous assistance throughout the process.